Aftermarket online service:
Fruitful In Latin Auto Parts Expo
Through 3 days of showing time in Latin Auto Parts Expo,original BASCOLIN brand of diesel injection parts and common rail spares attract various of distributors,wholesalers visitors from Panama,Guatemala,Venezuela,Peru,Bolivia,etc.After discussion,they show great interest to purchase this aftermarket brand spares from our company and resell in their local market.In some country,they already recognized this brand to be one of the most trusted brand in after market compared to OEM brand.

During the fuel pump parts on show,DENSO Head Rotor 096400-1250 got the most visitors and attentions.It's for TOYOTA 3L engine and BASCOLIN brand could be replacement of DENSO due to its excellent working performance.Some other visitors also show interest in feed pump 096140-0030,7123-340S Delphi,Plunger 2418455165 SCANIA,Nozzles DN4PD57 TOYOTA,etc.After all ,this is an very meaningful fair for our company.We believe it will be a good start for both of us.